PF has Turned Zambia into a Failed State


Source: Mutale Nalumango, UPND National Chairperson

The United Party for National Development (UPND) is saddened that the only achievement that the ruling Patriotic Front (PF) has made since assuming office in 2011 is to make Zambia a failed state.
It is worrisome that the country, which was once a very strong economy during the UNIP and MMD eras has now been turned into a laughing stock as it satisfies almost every bench mark set for qualifying as a failed, miserable state!
Our country has undeniably scored in every sphere to qualify as failed state by the following benchmarks:

  1. Failure to conduct free, fair and credible elections.
  2. Sharp economic decline.
  3. Break down in the rule of law and failure to follow the due process of the law when dispensing justice.
  4. The rise of factionalized elites, the deterioration of public service and delegitimization of the state, leading to a fragile state.

Zambia now has a regime that does not have respect for human rights and freedoms of association, assembly, speech, press, expression and movement, which in turn has undermined democracy.

The high economic inequalities where the national cake is not shared equally among ordinary Zambians; severe economic decline as well as the mounting demographic pressures and tribal, ethnic conflicts and state sponsored terrorism have all exercibated the situation.

We have also witnessed a sharp rise in corruption by Government officials; lack of accountability and transparency in the use of public resources as well as the non-provision of public services . This has led to massive misery and bitterness among the country’s citizenry.

Zambia has been ranked at number 41 of the fragile states in the world.

At the current poor ranking on the Fragile State Index, which is a high warning phase, we can only say Zambia’s economic fortunes have dwindled beyond what the people of Zambia can stomach.
