Pope Francis Has Not Legalized Same Sex Marriages But Allowed For A Civil Union - CASC Chairman, SMACE
Source: Bwembya Wisdom, CASC Chairman at St. Marry's College of Education.
We all start out natural (or heterosexual), and we all start out knowing God. But suppressing the truth about God eventually incurs His wrath, and He gives the offender up to dishonourable (homosexual) passions.
Let me begin by quoting Jesus in Luke 12:48, "To whom much is given, much is expected." The Pope sits at the summit of the World making rules and regulations, silence from him only draws more suspicions. It was going to be one day or the other that the Catholic Church state it's stance on the matter of Homosexuality.
Pope Francis' predecessor was pinned to the wall and eventually resigned for holding his grip of Catholic Priests continuing with Celibacy. Rumours began spreading all over the world that Pope Benedict XVI had approved Priests marriages. This came after more than 1,000 Priests in America were reported to have molested and sexually assaulted and raped their congregants in their respective Parishes.
The then Pope Benedict XVI began receiving pressure from the Church and an elite group of His Cardinals to allow Priests to marry. Saint Paul adds in one of his teachings, "Now to the unmarried and the widows I say: It is good for them to stay unmarried, as I do. But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion." (1 Cor 7:8-9) This was and is probably the reason Milingo ended up marrying and why some Catholic Eminences are pushing for Priests to marry.
The above pressures made the former Pontif resign from being head of the Church.
Now let me talk about Pope Francis I. The Church has been known not to allow same sex marriage and no Dynasty or Monarchy in the World since Pope Peter has been able to convince us otherwise.
My stance remains the same and I am not for the idea of legalizing homosexuality. However, just like my Libyan friend, Clifford Clay, strongly advises me, "your boss is your boss."
Our Pope must've felt enormous pressure from all four corners of the wall for Him to end up legalizing the act. It is reported that before being Pontif, Francis while serving as Archbishop of Buenos Aires, endorsed civil unions for gay couples as an alternative to same-sex marriages.
What the world should know is that Pope Francis has not legalized same sex marriages but allowed for a civil union. Though individuals in a civil union can operate as married, THEY ARE NOT AT ALL MARRIED.
My message to my Catholic students and the rest of the Catholic enthusiasts, is that the Pope has not permitted gay or homosexual persons to marry. However, to whom much is given, much is expected, arriving at such a remark for His Holiness was the toughest decision ever made for both him and the Church, let us not point fingers, remember, each one has their own cross to bear, concentrate on your cross for judging others ONLY, can be the reason you end up in Hades.
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